Cupcakes . . . Super Sized

July 18, 2016

We are having a great time at The Cutting Cafe. We are Super Sizing everything and anything we can get our hands on!! Please hop over to this post to see the other team members' designs.

I blew up the Cupcake file to be used as a variation of "pin the tail on the donkey." Don't you love it?!!

I wanted to make the cupcake as large as my Pazzles Personal Cutter's software would allow. To get the maximum size, I first turned the frosting on it's side. I enlarged all the pieces at one time until the frosting AND the bottom of the cupcake were as big as they could be within the border of the 12 inch square mat. Thus, part of the frosting that is connected to the cupcake bottom, fell off the boundaries of the mat. That's ok as the lone frosting piece will overlap the missing parts of the upper portion of the cupcake bottom piece, making for a complete cupcake. Does that make sense? Take a look at this image:

Laying Out the Pieces

Laying Out the Pieces

In the above picture, you can see the original cupcake pattern in the lower corner. The original measures 7 by 4.5 inches.

Assembling all the pieces provides a large cupcake for pinning a cherry on top!

Cupcake Without Cherry

Cupcake Without Cherry

"I Can't See!"

"I Can't See!"

Regular and Super Size

Regular and Super Size

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