My Top Ten Cards of 2010

January 10, 2011

(Here is a fun idea that I am "scraplifting" from a few other online crafters.)

I started making cards 13 years ago when I was pregnant with my first child. I was (and still am) cheap frugal. I felt I had enough talent in me to make my own thank you cards for the baby shower.

My first tools toys were paper punches and decorative edge scissors. I used neon bright, neon card stock to make those cards! Whoa! To look at how the tools toys, paper and styles have changed in the industry and in my own style and skill . . . There has indeed, been an evolution! Wish I had one of those first cards to post!

Over the years, family and friends have suggested that I sell my cards. Last August I was hired to make a baby announcement and shower invite. I combined the two needs in to one piece. The customer was overjoyed with the final creation! This pushed me to try my talent as a business. I been posting cards for less than 6 months.

I do appreciate the support that you have given me. It's nice to know that as I look back on the cards I've made, they still give me a smile. And that was my intention in going in to business. The Mission of my shop is to bring joy in to the lives of others with a touch of home made love! And that's why we craft . . . RIGHT?!

Here is a slide show of "My Top 10 Cards." There is one extra at the end titled: "My Son Ate My Homework." It is from when I was just starting the business and it was funny at the time, so I had to include it.

These photos below are the same as what is in the video above--some with more explanation.

Baby Shower Announcement & Invite Combination

Skeletons in Your Closet??

This is my inaugural piece to the business world of crafting. This is actually a tag challenge I did for the creative team that I am a member of, Creative Paper Artists. The closet door does open, so you could technically call it a card! It was so fun!

Fall/Thanksgiving Card

This card has warm, fun Fiber on the left. My all-time favorite material when making cards.

Wedding Card

Christmas Card

Read more about this story behind this card here.

Birthday Cupcake

I made using a file from The Cutting Cafe.

Cheers To You

The foam/head of the beer wiggles back and forth as if it were alive. I used an Action Wobbles spring to create the affect!

Christmas Card with Removable Ornament

Fall Note Cards

Live A Latte

This card uses my signature embellishment that I deigned for my shop logo.

My Son Ate My Homework

He munched on this finished card. He took the fibers off and chewed them up separately! I guess the fibers warranted their own attention! (Still curious? The story continues.)

2 comments on “My Top Ten Cards of 2010”

    1. Agnes, thank you for stopping by. And thank you for your help with my blog. A work in progress . . . .
      It was fun to make the video. Too easy. I love that a template choice was a coffee shop (it's actually cocoa).

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